Meet Lupin, a gentle and shy cat who may initially be reserved but has a heart full of potential for deep affection. As an FIV-positive cat, Lupin needs a special, calm, and secure environment where he can thrive. He must be the only cat in the home and stay indoors to ensure his health and safety.
Lupin's initial shyness might make him seem a bit distant, but with time and patience, he reveals a loving and sweet side. In a quiet, peaceful setting, he begins to show his true colors, offering tender purrs and affectionate gestures to those who take the time to earn his trust.
This sensitive boy appreciates a serene environment where he can feel safe and comfortable. Once he adjusts to his surroundings, Lupin's gentle nature will shine through, and he'll become a devoted and loving companion. His quiet charm and the joy of his gradual trust are sure to bring warmth to your heart and home.