Dog Sponsorship

Every week 28 lost and abandoned dogs come to AWL – they are terrified, lonely and have nowhere else to go. By becoming a dog sponsor you will help provide them with the love, warmth, food and medical care they need in order to find a loving new home.

AWL receives no government funding, so we rely on compassionate people like you to help care for these poor homeless dogs.

Your kind monthly donations can give these vulnerable dogs the second chance they deserve.

We’ll send you regular updates so you can see how your support is changing the lives of the dogs you sponsor.

Yes! I want to sponsor a dog

How your sponsorship will help dogs in need

Your monthly donations will help provide vital care and services to ensure every dog gets the second chance they deserve, no matter what! Your sponsorship will provide the following for dogs in need:

  • A warm bed and shelter
  • Tasty and nutritious food
  • Vital vet care (including medical checks, vaccinations, worming and flea treatments, and in some cases life-saving surgery!)
  • Play time, walks and enrichment activities to build their trust with humans and keep them happy while they’re in our care
  • Cuddles, cuddles, and more cuddles! Each and every dog will get all the love they deserve while they’re waiting for their forever home
  • Behaviour training to help nervous or frightened dogs find the right home

With your support we can be there for every single dog who arrives at AWL, just like Rocky. You can read more about Rocky's inspiring journey here.

How often will my donations come out?

Your pet sponsorship donations will be monthly.

What is included in your sponsorship?

You’ll receive monthly email updates so you can see firsthand how your support is helping dogs in need! You will also receive a special sponsorship pack, invitations to supporter events and a copy of AWL’s annual newsletter. And most importantly, you’ll feel great knowing that you are helping so many dogs in need.