If you’ve ever considered adopting a rescue animal, chances are you preferred the idea of adopting a kitten or puppy rather than an older animal.
You’re not alone – many people go to shelters looking for kittens and puppies, which results in the older animals being overlooked and spending more time waiting for their furever homes.
Our team has come up with four convincing reasons to adopt an older animal, and hopefully break the stigma surrounding them!
1. They’ll be really grateful
A lot of older animals have had families in the past, so they know what it’s like to live in a comfortable, warm home with people who love them.
Now, through no fault of their own, they find themselves in a scary new place, away from their families, with unfamiliar people, smells and sounds, longing for the warmth and comfort they once knew.
If you’re looking for a new pet, you should consider giving a second chance to an older animal whose world has been turned upside down. They’ll thank you for it a million times over.
2. They’re past their naughty baby stage
Adopting a puppy or kitten comes with a huge amount of responsibility. They need training, constant supervision, and socialisation, among other things.
If you adopt an older pet that has lived with a family before, it’s likely that you won’t need to do anywhere near as much training with them.
Of course, every animal is different, and there will always be a transition period when you first adopt them during which they may need to re-learn behaviours they previously knew. It’s all part of settling into their new home, but with you there to guide them, they won’t have any trouble.

3. You know what you’re going to get
When you adopt an adult pet, you mostly know what sort of personality they have.
Shelter staff will be able to advise of any personality traits, including the animal’s likes and dislikes before you adopt, so you’ll be prepared for them when you take the animal home.
It’s important to remember that most animals don’t show off their full personality in the shelter and will only blossom into their best selves once you have brought them home and earned their trust. This could take time, but it’s important to be patient with them.
4. You can give them a place to live out their twilight years in comfort
Shelter animals are well-looked after – they get food, shelter, and veterinary care – but they’d much prefer to be at your house, napping on your couch, living out their twilight years in comfort, knowing what it’s like to be loved.
Can you give an senior animal a loving home? Hit the button below to view our more elderly residents!